Yesterday I touched on John 1:5 and how there’s simply no competition between light and dark. Well, today I’d like to take that a little further, beginning with John 1:1-4.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life and the life was the LIGHT of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

What was that light? JESUS, the Word of God, the Son of God, and He was with God since the beginning!

And here’s something amazing that rocks my world. Jesus is also known as the Name above all names (Philippians 2:9-10). Well, I found in the footnotes of one of my Bibles that the Hebrew word for “Name” is Shem, and it also means LIGHT, SOUND, and ATMOSPHERE! When I saw that I exploded! That speaks entirely to when God said, “Let there be LIGHT!” And Jesus is the Light of the world. He’s also the Word of God. What IF, the word God actually spoke wasn’t “Let there be Light,” but the name of His own Son, “JESUUUUUSSS!!!” Or better yet, He probably said it in Hebrew, “YESHUUUUUAAAAA!!!”

My, doesn’t that just pull it all together??!! Jesus is Life and Light, and He was there from the beginning. Further yet, if there’s one thing I know, when darkness is settling in, saying the name of Jesus dispels everything. Have you ever had a real bad dream, or just felt a heaviness you couldn’t kick, or your mind started going in places it shouldn’t go? Saying the name of Jesus dismantles it! There had been times when the enemy would try to attack me in my dreams, and I knew to say the name of Jesus. It wasn’t easy. I literally had to pull all my strength together and yell out, “Jesuuus!!” The enemy wanted to keep my mouth shut, and I could feel it. But at the name of Jesus, all of that it would go away. And peace would settle in.

If you’re ever in a place of heaviness, say the name of Jesus! Every name has to bow at His name. There literally is no competition.