It’s always amazing when you follow God somewhere for one reason, only to find He had you there for an entirely different purpose!!!
The crusade has been wonderful, but nothing like the ministry I got to do. He connected me with some amazing divine appointments, and THAT, I found was why He brought me to Mario’s crusade. Not for the crusade, itself.
One particular appointment was to take the pure oil I had purchased on my way up, and pour it over the Liberty Bell at the Sacramento State Capitol. Unbeknownst to many, there is a replica of the Liberty Bell at each of the state capitols. I’ve gone on special assignments to the Liberty Bell of other states before, so it was no big surprise when God made it very clear to I and a very special connection He gave me, that we were to go to Sacramento’s Capitol.
Equipped with the oil, and red wine and bread for communion, we found the bell in the capitol’s rose garden. We declared God’s authority over the state of California, and His dominion and government. California has been a very loud voice against the plans of God, but that voice is nothing against the One who determines it all. There is one government, one supreme court that judges over all. When we bring things in alignment with Him and His Kingdom, big things happen.
Lord, you are always up to something! IT’S ALWAYS AN ADVENTURE!!!