Good morning everyone! So today I’m really feeling the topic God has for us is Provision, and how that applies to His identity and ours.
“Be fruitful and multiply”
These are the very first words God said to Adam and Eve when He made them. And they apply to us.
We will always produce and multiply what’s in us. When God said, “Be fruitful and multiply,” He was producing and multiplying what’s in *Him* — US! We are the fruit of Him! And He’s called us to do the same, because He made us in His image.
So if God Himself is fruitful, and He multiplies what’s in Him through us, how much do we have the seed of fruitfulness in us as well? Of course the devil tries to take that away, but the very nature of our being is to be fruitful.
I want you to rest with the idea of Fruitfulness today. If there’s any lack in your life, know that your identity in Christ says you’re FRUITFUL!!